Sunday, March 14, 2010

2) problem: cathcing a cab

When I read "Hailing While Black" which is written by Shelby Steele, I though a lot about racism and its impacts. Not only in the USA, but also in Turkey we face racism. First of all I want to define what is racism. Racism is a kind of belief which seperate people by giving importance to their cultures, nations and so on. Many racist people believe that the race is the superior race and the others cannot be equal their races. So the idea of racism causes discrimination.
In Turkey, many people especially people who are a member of an ethnic group, suffer from the racist actions. Generally, the main subjects are their nations or religions. For example, in Turkey, Kurdish people, Armenians, Laz people... And I do not understand why we cannot live together in peace. Every nation have different culture and belief system.
And in my opinion, the most important issue is we are lack of being respetful the others. If all people respect other people just because they are humans like them, I guess the problem will be solved. It is normal that we cannot agree everytime, in every subject but we can live together without any discrimination.
Moreover, not in Turkey, but also in America, people who are African-American , Asian-American and Mexican-American people and so on... face with racism.
If a black man has any problem just because of his skin colour, I think people who make the problem should be ashamed on themselves. We cannot discriminate people by looking their skin colours, nations, religions...
And to born with black skin cannot be a fault or born with white skin is not given a gift. We are all equall.


Salim Kubilay Demirci said...

the subject which you write is our public's one of the most important issue many people in the world suffer from racism. it is good to write this subject

Sonja Tack said...

Very nice points about respect and equality. It's also nice to see your analysis of the situation of ethnic minorities in Turkey.

Can I ask you to number your posts? It helps me to keep track of them...thanks!

reside said...

Of course I did it.:)
Thank you:)

Can_M said...

yes, the most important thing is to get to know someone (I say this phrase over and over again to emphasize the importance of not being an extreme racist.

by the way, everyone could choose to be ntionalist. it is OK. But if this being-nationalist turns out to be racist, there will definately be a problem. that is, nationalism does not need to equal racism.

however, I personally try not to act the way a racist acts.

reside said...

I agree with you. Of course everyone can be nationalist but sometimes people cannot make in balance and the issue goes to be racism. Otherwise, I cannot any right to interfere people's ideas.
Thanks for your comment.:)

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