Monday, March 29, 2010

4) Lovely girl: Hanife

Hanife is a girl's story which was written by Sevgi Soysal. She was a little girl who grew up without any love. She had a child marriage with Mustafa and they marry because of their family's field. Their marriage can be a business marriage. I don't want to tell the story because I want to write about the justice system, honour killings, the ironic situations and so on.
First of all, while I was reading the story I recognized the ironic issue. When the family members killed Hanife, all the villagers react this death very silently. They sit behind the place where they killed Hanife and continue their lives. And in my opinion, the most effective action in this story is throwing stones to the Hanife's death body. All the villager women throw the stone to Hanife to take their revenges and angers. In this point, I hope that women try to secure Hanife or cry for her unfair die. But, I chose to be againts Hanife who is innocent. So, this reaction shows us women accept the patriarchalism. Not the men's part look Hanife as a whore. The women's part thought that she was the guilty one and she deserved to die.
Hanife was killed because her family wanted to secure their family name. Hanife was killed because her brother is an idiot and cruel and reckless. Hanife was killed because her uncle cheated her with non-real dream which is being a governor's wife. Hanife was killed because the villager women ashamed of her, they did not help her. Hanife was killed because someone wanted her to die. Hanife was killed because...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3)Why do they kill girls?

Last week when I try to write my essay's resources, I read a lot articles about honour killings. And when I skim the Ayse Parla's article I wrote a lot about my ideas to my resource paper. And now I want to share my thoughts.
In Turkey, girl's virginity is one of the most important issues for the society.If people compare with girl and boy, generally, everyone encourages boys to have a sex life before they married or meet girls or hang out with girls.However, if we talk abaut girls' situation,we have a big problem.Virginity which means the most important distinctive mark to be a pure girl for narrow-minded people.If a man whose daughter has a sexual relationship with a man kills his daughter and a big part of the society do not be ashamed of the father's attitude and encourage him to do it,I guess there girls,wives because virginty shows the real honor or integrity for their minds.Therefore ,without any questioning for the girls or without any understanding or tolerating,they kill their girls for nothing.
I chose this text because, not in Turkey, but also in the world many girls suffer from this virginity issue. Many of them are killed by their family members. And die for nothing. They die unfairly. They die just because of their family think wrongly. So I chose this text to write about honor killings because of the virginity issue.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

2) problem: cathcing a cab

When I read "Hailing While Black" which is written by Shelby Steele, I though a lot about racism and its impacts. Not only in the USA, but also in Turkey we face racism. First of all I want to define what is racism. Racism is a kind of belief which seperate people by giving importance to their cultures, nations and so on. Many racist people believe that the race is the superior race and the others cannot be equal their races. So the idea of racism causes discrimination.
In Turkey, many people especially people who are a member of an ethnic group, suffer from the racist actions. Generally, the main subjects are their nations or religions. For example, in Turkey, Kurdish people, Armenians, Laz people... And I do not understand why we cannot live together in peace. Every nation have different culture and belief system.
And in my opinion, the most important issue is we are lack of being respetful the others. If all people respect other people just because they are humans like them, I guess the problem will be solved. It is normal that we cannot agree everytime, in every subject but we can live together without any discrimination.
Moreover, not in Turkey, but also in America, people who are African-American , Asian-American and Mexican-American people and so on... face with racism.
If a black man has any problem just because of his skin colour, I think people who make the problem should be ashamed on themselves. We cannot discriminate people by looking their skin colours, nations, religions...
And to born with black skin cannot be a fault or born with white skin is not given a gift. We are all equall.

Monday, March 1, 2010

1) Violence_Honour Killings

My report's subject will be violence because in Turkey, lots of people especially women, suffer from honour killings. And the reason is ethical principles and wrongly formed traditions. Many people not only women but also men, suffer from these kind of morals without any reason. Someone kills innocent people, causelessly and recklessly just because of their point of views. The regions which govern by these morals and traditions, have strict rules. Therefore, if a person does not obey any of them, she or he must die or go to prison because of killing the family member or someone else. So, it is not fair. Many years ago, someone set up some rules and still many people obey these rules without questioning. They follow the rules and the traditions blindly.

Mostly in the eastern side of Turkey, people still obey their own tradition rules and govern their regions with these rules. Every region has its own rules but nearly the rules are same.

Let me give an example to clarify the honour killings. Think of a girl who loves a boy. But the challange is this boy comes from the enemy family. And the moral rules do not obey them to marry. And the girl should marry with her uncle's son because of the traditions. Or girl should marry with a boy who comes from the wealthy family in their region. And the girl's father and the boy's father can easily have a business relationship and getting rich. No one ask them if they want to marry with this person or not. There are 2 options for girl. She may accept to marry and give up her real love with this way she can be alive. Or she may run away from the house and go with her real love and if they get caught, they probably killed. If they do not get caught, they always live with fever because of the honour killings.

As a result of these reasons, I want to write violence especially honour killings because people die without any reason and most of them do not live their lives freely due to strict rules. If we always write, talk or debate that kind of issues, we may increase the awareness rate.